I make a joyful noise unto You Lord, because I have confidence in Your ability to make all things in me beautiful.
I celebrate Your honor in the definite and conspicuous position of faith I have in You, mark of individuality within my dynamics, and honorable character within my lifestyle: You are worthy of all my praise and I gladly give it to You.
I love the accomplishments You have made in my lifestyle. Only through Your boldness and strength will the acts of hatred from my carnal nature be exposed.
I have confidence in Your presence within my life and I worship You for it; I celebrate Your presence with me everyday. I gladly identify with Your definite and conspicuous position of faith, mark of individuality within my dynamics, and honorable character within my lifestyle. Stop and think about that.
I will exercise my discernment and understanding of Your commitment to me Lord: I respect Your devotion to the builders of the family name.
You have corrected my reflection of confusion into stable confidence: You give me enlightened understanding and endurance for every difficult circumstance life brings my way. I rejoice in that fact.
You are the controller of my emotional well being and will always be; You are Omnipotent and Omniscient of mankind's attitudes, behaviors, and motivations. Do not enable stubbornness or aggressive arrogance to grow inside our thinking. Stop and think about that.
Only You Lord can change our identity from the carnal to the spiritual and only when we let You; You direct our restoration, nurturing, and ability to endure any circumstance in life.
Only You analyze our motives, validate our attitudes, and evaluate our behaviors: anything of value is worth being examined.
You protect us in Your strong defense mechanism; Your appointed change directs our behavior away from distress, if we listen and pray.
You do hold us into account, this causes anxiety with our carnal nature; we embrace this trial because it exposes the flaws within our character. When change occurs the sense of achievement and fulfillment of satisfaction is within our reach.
I make proper repairs within my attitude and behaviors: I am safe in the restorative process; and the promise of spiritual prosperity is mine.
Although my natural boundaries are split wide open, my intellect tries to organize my thoughts; this is especially true during times I feel threatened, distressed, or grieved.
I have learned to restore myself to Your presence; separate myself from the pain of abuse or denying the issues at hand. Embracing this pain allows a sense of Your strong support system of health; I can accomplish a restorative maturity which breaks apart my pseudo thinking of running away from this pain. Stop and think about that.
I will exercise my faith, grow in obedience, and understand this discernment that You have matured within me. I give reverence to You Lord. I state with boldness the vitality You bring to my identity.
I reveal to You, Lord my thoughts, attitudes, and motivations; You read my behaviors. Somehow You are glorified by this feeble, but honest believer.
If for any reason I would choose to exert my carnal attitude, behaviors, and motivations with my lifestyle, You Lord pay attention to these words and thoughts, and judge my behaviors.
It is so true that You understand me Lord; I thank You for that. You place high esteem to my prayers. Thank You for that too.
I purpose within my thinking to worship and adore You, because You do not ignore me or turn Your face away from me.
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