Saturday, March 27, 2010

Psalm 73 Attitude and Behaviors

It is true that the Lord is gracious to those who have new life or are restored back to Him. He also gives grace to those who are pure in motives, transparent in attitude and behaviors, and mature within their identity and emotional well being.

But as for me right now, I feel none of this; my endurance is exhausted. My spiritual awareness of truth has lapsed into apathy.

I am apathetic toward those who are able to walk in transparency and without pride; all I can see is the performance and gain of those who live in guilt and condemnation.

It appears that there is no incisive consequences for those who ruin lives by making carnal choices; their power and strength appear solid and secure in this

They do not labor in grief or suffer anxiety like I do: they do not appear to feel aggravation, depression, or remorse like I do.

They wear arrogance as a trophy; deception and injustice is worn by them like an expensive suit.

Their conceit is a flourishing parade; their net worth and dollar value is more than my imagination can fathom.

They are depraved and perverted within their attitudes, they practice and plot distressful behaviors and unjust gain through dissension; they use condescending attitudes and pretentious behaviors for power and control.

They justify their attitude with intellectual theory, this is revealed by vain or pseudo babble.

Those who are upright in attitude and just in behaviors have been restored in the stability of God's righteous character: their identity reveals the stability that was imparted as a gift to them.

If a stubborn determination is revealed, the attitude is justified within themselves as an end to a means. The question is asked from them to God: What do You know or understand about our ways? Does this Almighty God have any opinions concerning us or our needs?

Discern carefully those who walk in guilt and violate the spirit of others. They are secure within themselves and invent systems that the carnal man embraces; they grow and prosper in their own resources.

I admit that I have tried to deny these attitudes and behaviors exist and even have tried to justify their self-centered position.

But God and His mercy convicts me daily and I am aware that I need righteous correction about these vain motives.

So I decided to hold a grudge; but was reminded of this attitude as being deceitful, this generation of the builders of the family name is not convicted by this.

Lord, You held me into account for this attitude and deceptive understanding; I began to be emotionally exhausted and worry overwhelmed me.

It wasn't until I was in Your presence Lord did I fully understand the consequences of my attitude and behaviors.

It was You who directed my indiscriminate responsibility and dislocation of the functions of my choices: my feelings were full of depression and grief.

I was amazed how quickly these consequences stunned me. I am devastated with fear and anxiety.

Just as a nightmare can wake us; Lord so will Your reality once we realize the choices we made concerning the carnal attitudes and behaviors.

I understood and was made aware of the grief and shame I caused; I learned a valuable lesson of the motivations and consequences of these choices.

My attitude was unreasonable and my behaviors imbecilic: I acted like a barbarian toward You and Your people.

Even though guilt and remorse set in my mind, I still couldn't shake Your presence from me: Your security gave my rational being strength and direction.

You influenced and instructed me with Your counsel and Your Word; I finally learned that You can be transparent through me.

My physical and emotional health is inadequate; You Lord are the strength of my identity: Your devastation is only for those who choose rebellion or are hateful in character.

Anyone choosing to remove themselves from Your will are choose to loose their identity in You: devastation come to those who decide to commit idolatry.

I have determined to serve You Lord: I place my trust and confidence in You. You will properly discipline me.

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