Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Psalm 107 Anxiety

Worship the Lord with thanksgiving, Your love and kindness is precious to me: Your kind rebuke and merciful reprimand endures forever.

Enable those of us who have been restored by Your healing touch to testify of Your abilities; this will encourage those who are still held captive with feelings of hostilities.

Those of us who are enlightened and filled with confidence of Your abilities will assemble together to pray for the protection and security for those who suffer from anxiety and mental turmoil.

Many are those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive behaviors with attitude; they lack spiritual knowledge to protect or establish themselves securely.

Their thinking cannot focus on Your Word, they are undernourished and suffer from spiritual deprivation; our spirits are overwhelmed and grieved with their apathy.

Our prayers are said on their behalf, You felt our anguish and recovered our thinking from this regression.

It was You Lord who directs our lifestyle, attitudes, behaviors, and motives so that we might be aware of regression and establish ourselves securely in You.

I want to be established to You Lord to praise Your kindness and accomplished works within my life as a builder of the family name.

You are my satisfaction that fills the deprivation within my identity; You Lord replenish the lack of nourishment to my psyche.

Carnal man may have chosen to be established in the comfort of ignorant ideology or the pseudo protection of apathy; some chose to be secure in the harness of depression and draw strength from legalism.

Some become embittered in resisting Your Word completely and scorn Your counsel.

These carnal minded people are amazed when their emotions are overwhelmed with anxiety and worry: being mentally overwhelmed no one can protect or nurture them.

We as Your children cry to You for anguish; You recover us from this repression and self-survival thinking.

You have brought Your children out of ignorance, the facade of apathy, and tore off the restraints of legalism and division.

I want to praise Your merciful kindness and accomplished works within my mental and physical life as a builder of the family name.

It was You who broke the brutality of my childhood abuse and the sufferings from it; You also broke the hold of the strength it had on family dynamics. The dividing obstacle it posed was a threat to my walk with You, but that is now gone.

Rebellion is unhealthy it causes deprivation within our rational being; this will cause us to humiliate ourselves.

My identity needs Your spiritual nurturing: I will praise the peace and joy that only You Lord can bring to a troubled soul.

When I cry because of anguish, You recover me from any regression and self-survival thinking.

Through Your Word I receive instructions of attitudes, behaviors, and motivations for my restoration; this enables me to escape depression and self-pity.

I need to praise You Lord for Your accomplished kindness and work You have done within my mental health and rational being as a builder of the family name.

I devote my personal offering of thanksgiving, and celebrate the accomplishments and provision You have made within my life.

Circumstances in life cause failure and anguish that incites restlessness within the carnality of mankind.

My desire is to understand and exhibit godly behaviors and motives toward You Lord, I need Your discernment.

These challenges can enable stress within our reality of You, which reveals a weakness of our relationship with You.

I want to grow in Your enlightenment through my restorative process, reveal the gift of discernment to me: my identity should not fear stress or adversity.

I do not want to vacillate or hesitate in indecision and end up using my own resources.

When I cry for Your help Lord recover my repression of self-survival thinking.

Stresses of life can cause emotional disturbance and feelings of devastation arise within our rational being.

I am so thankful Lord because Your presence gives me a serenity; it is You who guides me into a place of value and acceptance. I can endure this part of my life because of You are the Lord my God.

I must praise You Lord for Your merciful kindness and accomplishments with my life as a builder of the family name.

I exalt You and Your accomplishments within this generation; and praise Your dwelling place that is with the mature spiritual leadership of our society.

The ideas of prosperity can bring obsessive behaviors and these dynamic effects our survival instinct; the rational being becomes barren with a lack of confidence.

Survival instincts could evolve into arrogance; not Godly confidence, it might establish a perverse nature.

Carnal motivations develop into stagnant behaviors and attitudes of arrogance.

It can establish an insecure and undernourished identity; settled in an awareness of the carnal security of ideology.

The need for Your comprehension and development of confidence is necessary for maturity to be birthed and motivated.

You bless me so much with physical and mental health; I suffer no ill effects within my body or rational being.

When circumstances of life become ineffective or depressed because of adversity; I will look to You and Your Word.

Life and the carnal nature brings disrespect upon tyranny; that causes us to vacillate with desolation in attitudes and behaviors.

But You Lord protect my sufferings from deprivation because of Your enlightenment. Keep me from the misery of depression. Preserve my whole identity in You.

I thank You for Your righteousness; I can see it, discern it, and rejoice in it: carnality must cease in me to be righteous in You.

I desire to have wisdom, I want to observe Your righteousness in my life; I will understand Your kind rebuke and merciful reprimand for me Lord.

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