Monday, April 19, 2010

Psalm 119 I Pride

My reality is complete in Your transparency: I will continue to trust in Your counsel and Word.

It was conceit that caused failure in the knowledge of Your truth by Your Word: when will I learn that it is Your truth that consoles me?

I want to be a vessel of worship; I am determined not to forget how to praise You through my attitude and behaviors.

How much more will it take for me to get it? I need Your just verdict so that I will choose Your righteous behaviors.

Arrogant attitudes have covertly taken me by surprise, cowardly behaviors are not my normal dynamics and in need of correction by Your Word.

Your Word delivers stability and truth to my carnal demands: I will not deceive myself and live with vain lies. Help me through this Lord.

If I continue to think and behave in this manner, I destroy my confidence; I am committed to change with the practical guide of Your Word.

Your Word nourishes and restores me with kindness and compassion; I will maintain my ability to reproduce Your Word through my life.

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