Monday, April 19, 2010

Psalm 119 A Attitudes and Behaviors

I want integrity and righteousness to be accomplished within my attitudes and behaviors; I want to be at peace and live by the practical rules of the Lord for guiding my life.

I want to be a living witness for the Lord and be contented to worship Him with my intellect, will, and emotional status.

I do not choose evil or perverse attitudes and behaviors: I want a godly lifestyle and motives for my conduct.

I will protect Your Word with my whole esteem; as You have commanded Lord.

I want my behaviors and attitudes to be established and protected by the Lord; my reactions will be automatically what You command.

My song to You will be a life lived with right living and right thinking; I purpose to learn Your righteous precepts concerning attitude and behaviors.

I will observe Your concepts of attitudes and behaviors in my lifestyle: do not reject my attempts Lord, sometimes I am really ignorant.

How else can I become transparent in my attitude and behaviors if not by trial and error? I pray and study Your Word to do my best, but I must put my faith in action.

I want to pursue Your practical guide for behaviors: I also want to learn Your positive attitude changing techniques.

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