Sunday, January 31, 2010

Psalm 6 Mercy

Lord, Please do not reprimand me with a disapproval tone, even though I deserve it, neither discipline me while You are offended by my attitudes or behaviors unbecoming to Your honor.
Please use Your constant sense of compassion with me right now: I am pathetic and overwhelmed: Lord, repair the inner soul of my being, I am fearful, anxious, and depressed.
I am completely unstable in my identity without You: Lord, how long will I feel this way?
Restore Your presence to me Lord, strengthen my individuality with Your mercy: preserve me for Your service today.
I am devastated in living in this mind set of suppression, I think about everything but You: I am in the state of mental decay; I can't praise, read Your word, or even cry in prayer because of this mental condition.
I am emotionally exhausted with fighting this mental turmoil: i agonize in tears constantly: I agonize day and night.
All I see or understand is my justified position that torments my mind: to add to this grief there are those who use this circumstance to be vindictive toward me.
Why don't they just leave me alone, yes, all of you who waited for this opportunity to take potshots of hatred with your remarks while I am in pain, your acts of hatred reveal your true relationship with me; but my Lord has understood my pain from the beginning and will see me through this, not any of you.
The Lord God has discerned this condition and with His wisdom has considered my prayers; He is the judge of my intercession and counsel.
Reveal these acts of hatred, one by one Lord, allow them to cause me to be anxious so that I will change: if ever these attitudes start to take root within my soul, allow conviction to instantly remind me of the shame it will bring to Your glory.

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