Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Psalm 47 God's Supremacy

I clap my hands for the worship of You Lord, I love You with my whole heart; I shout praises of celebration to You, only You are worthy of praise.

I will remember the supremacy of You Lord; You are my Great Counselor and will teach me to be confident in Your love and ability to know what is best for me.

You teach me during the emotional turmoil of depression, and what to do and how to endure the slander and the emotional abuse.

Your Word teaches the role model of self-control and how to possess great love as our inheritance. Stop and think about that.

It is Your restoration within us that causes the spontaneous rejoicing within our spirit. This work is an incising instrument that breaks down unhealthy emotional barriers that form into walls, it also reveals the transparent work of health to our mind, emotional well being, and strong will.

I sing praises to You, I sing healthy praises: I choose to be a poetic composition to You as my counselor. I sing praises to You.

You God are my chosen Counselor, and it is You who will teach me to walk confidently, intellectually, and be successful wherever I go.

You are the counselor concerning my lust for self-importance and protection: You comfort me with Your covering of grace.

My willingness to serve You God is restored. This is a spontaneous reaction because of the protective defense that results in confidence for Your people: You are the Great One and we exalt You.

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