Sunday, March 28, 2010

Psalm 76 Stubbornness

Lord I am recognized by You during the celebration of worship; with respect and honor I praise You: it is Your definite and conspicuous position of faith within my spirit, mark of individuality within my dynamics, and honorable character that is nourishment to my renewed nature.

You are the complete security within my identity, the defender of my restoration and a refuge of strength that has become my guiding pillar.

It is within this security where the Lord reveals the inflicted wounds of prejudice, abuse, defense mechanism, and the sense of self protection. Stop and think about that.

It is You Lord who is the intellect that inspires my healing from these who abuse.

Stubbornness is what makes us spiritually impaired, the desire to be apathetic and indifferent: it will not strengthen our service in and to You.

You have revealed and reprimanded my carnal nature; You are the God of my restraint and accountability, I am only as strong as I allow You to be in my spiritual consciousness.

Conviction comes with a struggle within my comprehension and my esteem: my confidence is full of idle theory and it did temporarily appease this pain.

It is Your transparency Lord that accomplishes the determination to recover my self from depression and self-pity. Stop and think about that.

Surely this bitterness is a weapon against my identity and relationship with You: stubbornness is a residue of unresolved anger.

I must make a commitment of forgiveness and be restored to Your acceptance; changing for the sake of social acceptance is alright, but changing to conform to Your character is the spiritual gift I give to myself.

Our Lord's character is superior: He loathes the attitudes and behaviors of self-righteousness and pseudo self-confidence within our carnal nature.

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