Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Psalm 68 Discipleship

I want You Lord to enable Your will for my life. I want the gift of transparency in my behaviors, and You to be established in my attitude. In doing this the acts of hatred within my carnal nature would be diffused: these acts must be exposed so that I will find favor with You.

There is a blinding power of anger that causes my rational being to faint with fatigue: I must grow spiritually beyond the natural man to purify this attitude. I choose not to live as a carnal person, I do not want to loose my identity that I have established in You Lord.

Empower my willingness to be transparent: enable rejoicing while in Your presence: Yes Lord, please enable my intellect, perception, and transparency to acknowledge You.

My song is unto You Lord, I celebrate Your definite and conspicuous position of faith that is in my life: I praise Your pure motives for the mark of individuality that is within my dynamics. My desire is to adamantly triumph in Your acceptance, endurance, and favor.

You are also the Father of the lonely; an advocate to those with emotional deprivation who are feeling rejected; You are their God of shelter.

You have established a unity within my life that cannot be broken. You matured and nurtured my soul; the obsession of acceptance and success is no longer an issue. The carnal frame of mind led me to a sarcastic form of self confidence.

I am surrounded by emotional hysteria, depression, rejection, displaced aggression; distressed places within peoples lives. Stop and think about that.

The confidence of mankind is irrational, the self esteem is delusional and can only be slowly transformed into a healthy conscious by You: I have seen phobias, bondage, and legalism changed in Your very presence. Even souls who are contentious with You completely at peace before You.

You Lord direct an outpouring of Your healing Spirit to establish and stabilize Your heritage. We were offended, scandalized, and hateful to each other, but Your love unifies our brokenness.

Your people became strong and was repaired; we established ourselves in Your identity. You gave provision for our peace of mind and free from depression, humiliation, or abuse.

You appoint the requirement and challenges of promise: those who birth the promise will increase the believers in health and number.

These who accept counsel for this appointed time will work diligently, but those who are satisfied within their own thinking will become a victim of lethargy.

It is up to us to decide to be apathetic or established in the work You have called us to do. Are we motivated by greed and fear while being in our comfort zones? Are we being hollow or stubborn within our determination to do nothing?

The Lord has given us counsel and a pure understanding of what needs to be accomplished individually before we can collectively be unified.

Before we can be strong and powerful we must accept a promotion of growth to be nurtured by God.

Why do you continue to be jealous of each other? We need to be strong and nurtured in the Lord. This must take place in every believer. This is what the Lord loves: unity, harmony, and a mature unified body of believers.

Many are the vessels who are willing to change for His purpose and glory; they are willing to teach others to do this as well. We must reverence Him in His holy place.

Restore us to You Lord, so that we may exalt Your will in our lives; give restraint where it is needed, commitments where they are needed and help us to perform as Your children within our attitude and behaviors. We need You with us.

People of God adore the Lord, it is He who fortifies us with blessing and favor. He is our God of health, mental welfare, and spiritual prosperity. He makes us secure.

He is our Lord, the God of our salvation; we do not want the consequences that come from a carnal state of ruin that mankind will face.

Our Lord can stun the ability and understanding of our carnal nature. He can bring confusion and depression to carnal behaviors as well. He can also tranquilize and suppress any guilt. This choice is ours.

The Lord has said, I will circumcise and restore my children again by developing and nurturing them in maturation: I will bring my people out of depression and unstable emotions.

My children will be able to endure the acts of hatred from those who are abusers.

Because my children see the behaviors and motivations that are righteous and the leadership endurance of My character.

You have seen these behaviors in prophecy, prayer warriors who support you continuously; and also those who praise and play music.

Blessed are those who summoned the Lord; from the spiritually prosperous to those who are strong in wisdom.

These who are the builders of the family name worship with strong and active praise. It is those who choose to sit and watch will struggle with their identity and emotional well being.

I choose to praise God with boldness: it strengthens my relationship with Him. It is a part of my lifestyle.

From His presence I get this sense of endurance and confidence, a foundational peace that gives direct counsel for birthing mental health and well being to His children.

Reprimand comes only to the strong, those who can receive nourishment for restoration: these need strength for a steadily growing body of believers who must humble themselves with reverence: there is a need to provoke those who take pleasure in producing hostile encounters.

Wealthy individuals may come from besiege places, those with seared identity will also stretch their hands to God.

We all sing praises to the Lord; those of us who accept the counsel, or need a reprimand, or are humbled in circumstance: we sing praises of His ability to disciple us. Stop and think about this:

It is the Lord who illumines our self esteem, which was designed by Him in the first place; He proclaims His identity with boldness all through us.

It is our choice if we commit to this boldness or not: His majestic growth within us gives us strength and wisdom. It is His restoration that is our provision of guidance.

Lord I reverence You within Your holy place. You are the God of Israel and my Lord, the one who gives strength and power to the believers.

Blessed is our God!

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