Saturday, April 10, 2010

Psalm 101 Righteousness

My attitude of determination and discretion are revealed, but only to You Lord; You are the only one who understands this attitude I have.

I want my attitudes and behaviors to be influenced and taught within Your integrity; this identity within me is motivated by Your awareness and understanding of this.

I do not want to waste my time acting out in carnal conceit: I hate the behaviors of those who worship idols then become derelict. This will not guide my thinking.

An abnormal and willful spirit will digress into carnality: I do not respect any behavior that is evil.

Anyone choosing to defame in gossip or conceal information for profit the Lord will not honor: the attitude of arrogance this Lord will not endure.

You Lord dwells in the presence of those who can be trusted and secure in His confidence: attitude and behaviors that are genuine within my lifestyle will serve You, Lord.

Anyone who practices treachery or betrayal will not reside in Your presence Lord: nor will pathological liars be accepted.

I am provoked daily of my choice to walk in guilt or in Your confidence; this is so I might decide to decrease my wrongful attitude and behaviors. Thank You for that awareness Lord.

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