Saturday, April 24, 2010

Psalm 135 Transparency

I am transparent in You Lord: I am transparent in Your definite and conspicuous position, mark of individuality, and honorable character: all of Your servants are transparent before You.

I am secure in this protected established transparency with You.

I am transparent in You Lord, You are wonderful to me; I celebrate Your definite and conspicuous position, mark of individuality, and honorable character, it is my gratification.

Because of free will, I am conscious of the responsibility of self-control; but I am also thankful for Your wealth of protection.

I understand that You mature and nurture the transparent ones; You are superior above any and all gods.

Whatever You desire of me; intellect, confidence, peace or strong emotional displays, I am Your servant.

You produce the acceptance that restores my confidence, illumination for my intellect, and reality to my identity with the expressions and functions for the security of understanding.

It is the wounds, defense mechanism, stress, and hostilities that are established with the human race.

You provide warning signs for our leaders to prepare the servants on issues of defense mechanism, stress, and hostilities.

You wound arrogant societies, and destroy obscure counsel.

Violent and anger demands, maturation and counsel guide against the realm of humiliation:

It is You who gives confidence as an heirloom, an heirloom to be used by Your people; the heirloom is Your Word.

Your definite and conspicuous position, mark of individuality, and honorable character endures forever; it is Your mark of recognition for this generation.

You will direct Your people, You will console us as it concerns You.

Ambitions of the carnal cause worry, grief, anger, and greed: it is Your power and direction that gives comfort to all mankind.

Carnality has an intellect to think with, mouths to speak with, and eyes to see with; but still chooses to do nothing.

They have ears to hear but do not listen; nor is there any reality to their understanding, except their own ideology.

They choose to conform to whatever ideology leads their carnal gratification: so anyone can lead, anyone can follow, anyone can place their confidence, hope, and money in anything but You Lord.

I worship You Lord, with Your established people: I adore Your Word and those who are established teachers.

I worship You Lord and am thankful for those who are established leaders; anyone who loves You must also revere You.

Adore the Lord those who are conspicuous to His call; enjoy His foundational peace that comes with being transparent before Him.

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