Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Psalms 119J Strength

Forever Lord do I desire Your counsel and purpose within my life; You establish the enlightenment for living.

Your stability and truth is for this and every generation: once You establish confidence, it endures!

You have established this time for determination and righteousness: I am Your servant, Lord.

It is Your practical rules for guiding my behavior, Your Word is my enjoyment; I did not lose my identity during this emotional turmoil.

I will not forget Your mandates toward me: it is because of them I am nourished, restored, and revived.

I am Your child, make me transparent to Your will; it is Your Word that I pursue as my direction to life.

Those who live in guilt do not comprehend this nor do they understand that my identity is in You: I depend on Your restorative process.

I will not lose my identity with the complete accomplishments You provide for me: it is Your Word that provides strength and maturity.

I truly love Your practical guidelines within Your Word! It is my reflection for every season.

It is Your Word that reveals these acts of hatred within my attitudes: I need strength and wisdom to deal with these acts.

I have need of more strength because my attitude and behaviors can easily get out of control; it is the restoration of Your healing process.

My understanding is good, but not great; I need Your practical knowledge for my behaviors and attitude.

I choose Your discipline for my lifestyle; I will be obedient to Your counsel and cause.

I do not rebel against Your process of natural means: You will always direct and instruct me.

How gratifying are Your Words to my discernment and insight! Your truth is more satisfying than the air I breathe.

Because of Your Word I have strength and understanding: I can't stand deception and lying within my lifestyle and those whom I love.

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