Monday, April 19, 2010

Psalm 119B Identity

I desire Your promises and challenges within my identity so that I will not disappoint You Lord.

I am content in trusting You Lord: diligently instruct me in Your practical guidelines for my behavior.

I will teach and counsel every one of Your manner of justice and righteous cogitations according to Your Word.

I rejoice and count it priceless that You witness the lifestyle that I live before You.

I analyze my lifestyle in order to learn Your precepts for blessing You,

I constantly adapt my thinking to Your Word: I purpose not to forget Your counsel or Your Word.

You are generous with me in nourishment and restoration through Your Word.

You enlighten my understanding with Your Word I cherish Your work within my identity.

I am in awe of the confidence You have in me: do not enable my ignorance to cover Your precepts.

The arrogant are reprimanded and the rebellious have chosen to walk against Your practical guide for living.

The rebellious walk in disgrace and shame; I choose to live as Your witness of restoration.

Gossip and slander is spread like wildfire: Your precepts subdued and acted as a guide through the hearsay.

I delight in being Your witness and servant.

My identity and reality pursues Your confidence: restore my understanding of Your Word, counsel, and concepts for behavior.

I reveal my attitude and behaviors to You and You responded positively to me: teach me Your practical rules for guiding my life.

Enable me to comprehend and discern Your attitude and behaviors with these guidelines: I will meditate, practice, and accomplish as much as I can.

My reality can fade because of depressive situations: but Your Word and counsel strengthens my identity for restoration.

I choose the lifestyle of stability and trustworthiness within my identity: I need Your determination and justice.

I have chosen to bond to You as my example: I do not want to be ashamed of myself.

I will guard my attitude and behaviors as I learn them from Your Word: You will broaden my understanding as I grow in Your precepts.

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